Lab Facilities

Electrical Machines Laboratory
Power Electronics Laboratory is equipped with facilities such as
- 3 H.P DC shunt motor coupled with 3H.P shunt generator, 3 H.P DC shunt motor coupled with 3H.P compound generator,
- DC Shunt Motor with loading arrangement, DC series motor with loading arrangement, DC compound motor with loading arrangement,
- Single Phase transformer 1 KVA, 3Φ Step Down Transformer, 3Φ Squirrel Cage Induction motor with loading arrangement, Rectifier Unit 100A, 1 phase Auto transformer 10 A,
- Slip ring Induction motor with loading arrangement and Rotor resistance starter and 3Φ Synchronous motor with loading arrangement.
Electric Circuits Laboratory
Electric Circuits Laboratory is equipped with facilities such as,
- Function Generator, Dual Trace CRO Sm 410-30 MHz, Digital Multimeter, 50MHZ DSO,
- Moving coil Voltmeter, Moving Coil Ammeter,
- Bread Boards 8.Moving Iron Ammeter,
- Moving Iron Voltmeter and Regulated Power Supply 0-30 V/ 5 A.
Control Systems Laboratory
Control Systems Laboratory is equipped with facilities such as,
- DC Position control, PID Controller trainer, AC Position control, DC Servomotor Controller trainer, Strain Measurement Trainer, DC Generator Controller trainer 0.5HP / 220V,
- Digital Oscilloscope, Instrumentation Amplifier Transducer Kit, LVDT, Schering’s Bridge, Maxwell Bridge, Wheatstone bridge, Kelvin Bridge,
- A/D Trainer kit, D/A Trainer kit, Measurement of 3Φ power and power factor kit and Calibration of Current transformer, 1Φ energy meter and Optical Sensors.
Power System Simulation Laboratory
Power System Simulation Laboratory is equipped with facilities such as,
- HCL Computers, Monitor 17” CRT, Split Air Conditioner 3Phase,
- MATLAB Software five user License,
- UPS 20 KVA, UPS Batteries 12V and ETAP software ten users License.
Power Electronics Laboratory
Power Electronics Laboratory is equipped with facilities such as,
- Device Characteristics for SCR, MOSFET, IGBT, SCR Based Single Phase Cyclo-Converter Module,
- SCR Based 1 phase Series Inverter, 1 phase SCR Half & Fully Controlled Converter, Buck, Boost Chopper using MOSFET, Resonant DC-DC converter module,
- SCR based parallel inverter module, (30V/2A), 1 Phase Half Controlled Bridge Converter, 20 MHz CRO and SCR based V/I commutated module with relevant firing module.
Engineering practices Laboratory
Engineering practices Laboratory is equipped with facilities such as,
- DC 5V fixed power supply, Single Phase Energy meter, CRO,
- Digital Stop Watch, Megger 1000 V, Moving Iron Ammeter, Moving Iron Voltmeter,
- Single phase auto transformer and Digital Multimeter.
Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory
Renewable Energy Systems Laboratory is equipped with facilities such as,
- Micro Wind Trainer with charge controller and Solar 1KW PV Module with 40 AH Solar Battery.