Student chapter
V.S.B. Central Library caters to the information needs of the institute’s faculty, students, staff and researchers. It houses around 10,000 books covering all disciplines of engineering, technology, and management. The collection in the library comprises printed documents such as books, reports, thesis, standards, atlases, patents and journal back volumes. The non-book collections include materials like audio/video cassettes and CD-ROM discs. There are Slide Projectors and other allied equipment in the Audio – Visual library. Under the web consortium, the library provides on-line access to a large number of full-text journal databases from various publishers. These e-journals are accessible on the intranet and internet.
ICT Academy is an initiative of the Government of India in collaboration with the state Governments and Industries. ICT Academy is a not-for-profit society, the first of its kind pioneer venture under the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) model that endeavors to train the higher education teachers and students thereby exercises on developing the next generation teachers and industry-ready students.
ICT Academy was started to meet the skill requirements of the industry and generate more employment especially in tier 2 and 3 towns, the rural parts of the country. The organization was formed with representations from the State Government of Tamil Nadu, leading companies in the ICT industry and the National Association of Software Services Companies (NASSCOM) in India.
With the training of teachers and students as the primary objective, ICT Academy has been working through a seven pillar program in the areas of Faculty Development, Student Skill Development, Entrepreneurship Development, Youth Empowerment, Industry-Institute Interaction, Digital Empowerment, and Research & Publications.
In the last 10 years, ICT Academy has strived on every aspect to provide a holistic service to every stakeholder of the education ecosystem in developing the next generation of the talent pool in India to make them industry-ready employees, innovators, entrepreneurs, and leaders.
ICT Academy is recently endorsed and recommended by NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India Aayog), the National Planning body of Government of India as one of the unique organizations for dissemination and replication, which is aligned to the Skill India Vision of the Government of India.
Through its various initiatives, ICT Academy has been part of strengthening India’s four important visions on Skill India, Digital India, Startup India and Make in India.
The International Association of Engineers (IAENG) is a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. IAENG was founded by a group of engineers and computer scientists in 1968, originally as a private club network for its founding members. Later, with the efforts of its members, IAENG membership became open to all the members in the engineering and computer science community. Nowadays, the IAENG members include research center heads, faculty deans, department heads, professors, research scientists/engineers, experienced software development directors and engineers, and university postgraduate and undergraduate students, etc., from over one hundred different countries.
Our goals are to promote co-operation between professionals in various fields of engineering and to cultivate an environment for the advance and development of the technology. Our objective includes:
Promoting the interactions between the engineers;
Advancing the application of engineering techniques from the academics to the industry;
Facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among the engineers and scientists freely.
Through its various initiatives, ICT Academy has been part of strengthening India’s four important visions on Skill India, Digital India, Startup India and Make in India.
Indian Concrete Institute is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organizations involved in Concrete. Being a non-profit Organisation, it is dedicated to the cause of Disseminating Knowledge on Concrete, to Promote Concrete Technology and Construction and to address the Research Needs of Concrete.
The Genesis of ICI dates back to the year 1982 when SERC Chennai and Anna University jointly conducted an International Seminar on Modern Concrete Construction Practices. The overwhelming response to the seminar prompted the Organisers to start the Indian Concrete Institute. Thus, the ICI was born in 1982 with around 500 members from 5 regional Centres. Since then, there is no looking back and ICI has grown in leaps and bounds. Today ICI is a strong professional body having more than 13, 000 enrolled members, from 42 regional Centres in all major cities, spread across the entire length and breadth of the country. Of these, more than 341 are Organisational Members. All segments of cement and concrete industries are widely represented in the membership.
To meet the objectives of ICI, the regional Centres conduct varieties of programs like Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Exhibitions, etc. throughout the year. These are at both the National and International levels. These events prove to be a unique platform, for all the stakeholders in the concrete industry, wherein Practicing Engineers, Manufacturers, Academics, Consultants, and Researchers make their global participation, to discuss the issues, to share their views and experience on the concrete-related matters. Thus, ICI derives the synergy amongst the various categories of people associated with concrete.
Any professional body is recognized by the technical documents it creates. Today, at ICI, several Technical Committees are striving hard to bring out technical documents, to frame guidelines, to standardize, to fix norms for various specialties, concretes and construction practices, to create unified code and to bring out Hand Books, etc. The outcome of these committees has placed ICI high in the concrete Arena.
ICI works in close coordination with various Central and State Government Bodies like CPWD, PWDs, Municipal Corporation, etc, for the adoption of Latest Technologies and practices in Infrastructure Building. ICI members represent in several Codal Committees of BIS.
A professional body has got its responsibilities towards society. So also, ICI is committed to society for its well being. ICI is focused on advocating the concept of sustainability in construction practices. Many of the ICI events are focused on achieving sustainability through innovative materials and techniques. Response to such programs from Government Bodies is overwhelming.
ICI embraces budding civil engineers thro ICI Students Chapters. There are more than 257 students chapters, all over the country and this number is on the increase. The very objective of these students’ chapters is to bridge the gap between their theoretical knowledge and what is being practiced in the field. Their involvement in ICI activities helps them shape themselves to face the challenges in the field when they come out of the Institutions and enhance their Employability Quotient. ICI also conducts value-added courses in concrete for the benefit of Practicing Engineers and Students.
ICI identifies, recognizes and rewards the experts in the field of Concrete for their contributions to the development of concrete technology and Concrete Construction. Sixteen such awards are presented every year at the time of AGM. ICI brings out several publications, proceedings of all the important events for the benefit of members and others. Work is on to bring out a journal of international standard, through one of the world-renowned Publisher.
Computer Society of India is the first and largest body of computer professionals in India. It was started on 6 March 1965 by a few computer professionals and has now grown to be the national body representing computer professionals. It has 72 chapters across India, 511 student branches, and 100,000 members.
The Computer Society of India is a non-profit professional meet to exchange views and information learn and share ideas. The wide spectrum of members is committed to the advancement of theory and practice of Computer Engineering and Technology Systems, Science and Engineering, Information Processing and related Arts and Sciences.
The Society also encourages and assists professionals to maintain integrity and competence of the profession and fosters a sense of partnership amongst members. Besides the activities held at the Chapters and Student Branches, the Society also conducts periodic conferences, seminars.
Through the initiatives of Professor Rangaswamy Narasimhan the first President, CSI has been in close liaison with the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) since its inception in 1965, when observers from India attended the IFIP Council meeting. Since 1974, when CSI became a member of IFIP, CSI has organized many IFIP sponsored events and was host to the 1978 Council meeting in Bombay and 1988 General Assembly in New Delhi. It represents India in technical committees and working groups of IFIP.