Lab Facilities

Major Equipments
Dumpy level model
Total Stations
5m cross staff
Ranging rod
Pocket Stereoscope
30mtrs Fibre tape Freeman
Vernier transit Theodolite
30 mtrs Metric Survey chain with Arrows
Plane table with stand including accessories
5mtrs Aluminium Levelling staff Telescopic
Prismatic Compass

Crop Production Laboratory
This laboratory helps the students to practice the production technology of different crops in wet land, dry land and garden land through hands on experience and demonstrations. Students themselves cultivate the crops in the field and maintain it until it reaches the harvesting stage.
Soil Science Laboratory
Soil Science laboratory imparts knowledge to the student’s community on the methods to collect soil sample, determine pH, EC, moisture content, gypsum requirements, soil texture, Organic carbon, specific gravity of soil and field density. The lab is well equipped with required equipments for the students to learn effectively.

Farm Machinery Lab
The students will be introduced to the practice of different farm machinery in the field on tillage, sowing, plant protection, harvesting and threshing; care and maintenance; lubrication; fits and tolerances and replacements; adjustments of farm machines; dismantling and reassembling of a disc harrow, seed-cum fertilizer drill and sprayer, engine pumps
Post Harvest Engineering Laboratory
The students acquire knowledge on determination of moisture content of grains, oil content of seeds, porosity of grains, coefficient of friction and angle of repose of grains. They will acquire the knowledge on usage of paddy thresher & paddy winnower, groundnut decorticator, maize sheller, thin layer drier, L.S.U. drier, bucket elevator, rubber roll sheller and screw conveyor.

Irrigation Field Laboratory
The laboratory trains students to study various instruments in the Meteorological Laboratory, determination of infiltration rate, soil moisture wetting pattern for irrigation scheduling measurement of flow properties in open irrigated channels (flumes, notches). This also gives knowledge on designing of Drip & sprinkler irrigation system.