Placements 2025 - CAPGEMINI - 95 (5.75 Lacs & 4.25 Lacs Salary) * UST GLOBAL – 46 (4.25 Lacs Salary) * HEXAWARE – 18 (6 Lacs and 4 Lacs Salary) * SLK SOFTWARE – 12 (3.2 Lacs Salary) * LTIMINDTREE – 9 (4.05 Lacs Salary) * TCS – 07 (3.86 Lacs Salary) * NISSI ENGINEERING – 7 (3.6 Lacs Salary) * COGNIZANT - 5 (4 Lacs Salary) * BOSCH – 4 (4.5 Lacs Salary) * INFOSYS – 3 (3.60 Lacs Salary) * SOPRA STERIA – 2 (6 Lacs Salary) * SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - 1 (5.5 Lacs Salary) * SPIC - 1 (5.5 Lacs Salary) * RENAULT NISSAN – 1 (4.25 Lacs Salary) * ZALARIS – 1 (4 Lacs Salary) * MAXOP – 1 (4 Lacs Salary) * QUEST GLOBAL – 1 (3.75 Lacs Salary)* DATA PATTERN – 1 (3.6 Lacs Salary) * MOVATE – 1 (3.2 Lacs Salary)
Placements 2025 - CAPGEMINI - 95 (5.75 Lacs & 4.25 Lacs Salary) * UST GLOBAL – 46 (4.25 Lacs Salary) * HEXAWARE – 18 (6 Lacs and 4 Lacs Salary) * SLK SOFTWARE – 12 (3.2 Lacs Salary) * LTIMINDTREE – 9 (4.05 Lacs Salary) * TCS – 07 (3.86 Lacs Salary) * NISSI ENGINEERING – 7 (3.6 Lacs Salary) * COGNIZANT - 5 (4 Lacs Salary) * BOSCH – 4 (4.5 Lacs Salary) * INFOSYS – 3 (3.60 Lacs Salary) * SOPRA STERIA – 2 (6 Lacs Salary) * SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC - 1 (5.5 Lacs Salary) * SPIC - 1 (5.5 Lacs Salary) * RENAULT NISSAN – 1 (4.25 Lacs Salary) * ZALARIS – 1 (4 Lacs Salary) * MAXOP – 1 (4 Lacs Salary) * QUEST GLOBAL – 1 (3.75 Lacs Salary)* DATA PATTERN – 1 (3.6 Lacs Salary) * MOVATE – 1 (3.2 Lacs Salary)

Innovative Teaching


The department consists of dedicated, qualified and experienced faculty and supporting staff in various fields of Civil Engineering. All the staff members meet the requirements as prescribed by AICTE and Anna University. Various pedagogical activities have been followed by the faculty for the student in order to create interest over the subjects and the developing technologies.

The following are the various teaching methodologies used in different aspects for the delivery of course:

i) Lecture Method and Interactive Learning:

  • Audiovisual aids, chalk, and board are used by the faculty for teaching.
  • Students are encouraged to clarify their doubts, during the lecture hour itself.
  • During the lecture hour first 5 minutes are used for revising topics taught in the previous class and the last 5 minutes is used to give a summary of the current class. Hence the students will get continuity of the previous day topics.

ii) Application Based Learning:

  • Students are encouraged to attend workshops from 2nd year onwards. As an outcome of the workshop, interested students will develop Projects/ mini Projects at the end of the workshop.
  • All third-year students are encouraged to do mini projects and are asked to submit the same before the commencement of exams.
  • Students are encouraged for an internship in the industry during vacations.
  • Students are taken to industrial visit at least once a semester to see the real-time operation.

iii) Practical Learning:

  • Practical exercises are taught in the laboratory.
  • Virtual Lab exercises are given to the students.
  • In addition to the experiments given in the syllabus, students are instructed to practice additional experiments as suggested by the concerned by the faculty.
  • Civil software like Autocad-2D& 3D, STAAD. REVIT Architecture, TEKLA (student version) and the laboratory work is broadly based to develop an understanding of the properties of materials, in terms of their structure, use in the construction industry and methods of performance testing. The student to investigate the physical and chemical properties in relation to appreciating why different materials are specified for particular elements within the structure, and why buildings stand up.
  • Laboratories are accessible for the students during the scheduled periods and also during leisure hours for doing experiments.
  • Charts are displayed in laboratories through which the students can gain basic idea about different equipments such as Universal Testing machine, Theodolite, Elongation and Flakiness index and various Software packages.
  • Students are taken to the nearby construction site, once in their curriculum.

iv) Hi-tech classroom:

  • All classrooms are equipped with projector facility.
  • All laboratories and classrooms have Wi-fi access.

v) Other Innovative Teaching methods adopted by the faculty

  • Real-Time Demonstration – Models are displayed in laboratories through which the students can see the models of Retaining wall, Suspension cable bridges, Multi-storied buildings,etc.,
  • ISRO Projects– Students are encouraged and guided by faculty members to do the real time projects like “ASSET MAPPING OF KARUR AND DINDIGUL DISTRICTS” and it is funded by ISRO
  • TNSCST Projects – Students are encouraged and guided by faculty members to do real-time projects and funded by TNSCST.
  • Online courses – Online courses are being conducted through NPTEL online courses and google classrooms so that students can post and clear their doubts at any time without hesitation and can download course materials.
  • College automation software – Each student is provided with a personal login wherein they can download Course Material, Syllabus, Question bank, Assignment topics, Short videos, NPTEL video links.
S.NoName of the FacultyName of the CourseObjectivePublic UsageOnline Link
1Mr. R.KartheeswaranConcrete and Highway Engineering Laboratory
  1. To facilitate the understanding of the behavior of construction materials.
  2. To learn the principles and procedures of testing Concrete and Highway materials and to get hands-on experience by conducting the tests and evolving inferences. 
Faculty and students of the Civil department across IndiaClick to View
2Mr. R.KartheeswaranEnvironmental Engineering Lab
  1. To understand the sampling and preservation methods and significance of characterization of wastewater.
  2. To analyze the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water and wastewater
Any student with login credentials can access the courseClick to View
3Ms.M.PraveenaStrength of Materials Lab
  1. To expose the students to the testing of different materials under the action of various forces and determination of their characteristics experimentally.
Faculty and students of civil and mechanical across IndiaClick to View
4Mr.D.DineshkumarHydraulic Engineering Lab
  1. Students should be able to verify the principles studied in theory by performing the experiments in lab.
Any student  can access the courseClick to View
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